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Georgian muslin embroidered apron C1785 - 94

Georgian muslin embroidered apron C1785 - 94

The Mary Ireland collection - See Blog

The measurements of this 18th Century apron are typical of the period circa 1785 to the ealry 1790's. So is the mostly tamboured, open work design, with delightful little single motifs filling all of the space.

By now, the grand Dresden work of earlier decades has been abandoned for a more airy grace, but we still see Dresden work hints in the variety of fillings of drawn thread work.

All three edges are decorated with beautiful tambour scrolls and in the lower corners, larger motifs which are so charming. See how many different tyoes of fillings you can find!

I love the way some 18th Century aprons that are sloped in a gentle v-shape to the upper edge, all ready to be pleated into linen ties. This is a lovely example, the top edge being daintily rolled and stitched under.

The only unusual thing about this apron [and I have examined many over the years], is the tiny picot lace edge. I really do mean tiny. The Lace Mentor confirmed that this would be original, and that these edgings could be purchased by the length to add to many accessories of the time. See condition report below.


    Very good condition for the great age, but the picot edge, tiny as it is, does have breaks and damage. Apart from this, the fine muslin has no damage at all. There are a few area's of very mild age staining of no consequence, but then in the right hand upper corner, a little brighter staining over a few inches. These aprons respond beautifully if soaked in cold water for an hour or two, as long as you ask for advice at Poppies Cottage if you are inexperienced! Remember it is very delicate.

    The size is classic, at 44" wide and a side length of 38".


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